Academic Standards and Grading

Student Responsibilities

Students need to make many decisions as they complete their degrees. While the schools and the university have a number of resources available (e.g., faculty, courses, advisors and tutors) to help with decision-making, students are expected to take responsibility for their decisions.

Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering academic standards

The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering have developed and enforce a number of academic standards. These standards are designed to support students academically and to ensure the quality of the school’s graduates.

Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering good standing

Students are expected to select and successfully complete courses that lead to the timely completion of their degree programs. Students are said to be in good standing if they fulfill all the following:

  • maintain acceptable GPAs
  • enroll and complete critical tracking requirements
  • complete courses each semester that are applicable to their degrees

Note: The complete policies for the Fulton Schools can be found in the ASU Academic Catalog. See the complete Fulton Schools policies

ASU academic warning

An undergraduate student with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 at the end of their first semester (fall or spring) is considered to be in the status of university academic warning.  If after one term with an academic warning a student still does not achieve the minimum GPA standard of 2.00, the student will be placed on probation for at least one additional term. If a student’s minimum GPA first falls below the standard in a term that is not the student’s first term at ASU, the student will be placed on probation. Failure to return to good academic standing after being placed on probation may result in disqualification.

A student with an academic warning is considered in conditional good standing and is permitted to enroll.

Whether a student’s status is an academic warning or probation, the student must self-enroll in the Fulton Academic Success Strategies canvas-based course to prepare for the upcoming semester and develop a success plan for returning to university academic good standing. The student will also meet with their academic advisor to finalize coursework for the upcoming term. At the discretion of the student’s college or school, that plan may require successful completion of UNI 220: Mindset Connections.

Note: The complete policies for the Fulton Schools can be found in the ASU Academic Catalog. See the complete Fulton Schools policies

Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering probation

A student is placed on college or university probation status when specific academic expectations are not met. Some conditions trigger an automatic placement on probation whereas others trigger an automatic review of the student’s case to determine if probation is warranted. When a probation review is triggered, the final decision and any conditions of probation are determined at the program level.

Automatic probation is triggered by any of the following:

  • two successive semesters with GPAs less than 2.00
  • an ASU cumulative GPA less than 2.00

Automatic review (borderline) is triggered by any one of the following:

  • a semester with a GPA less than or equal to 2.00
  • a cumulative GPA in the major of less than 2.00

Courses completed during summer sessions are not used to reevaluate a student’s probationary status.

Advising and registration process for students with probation status: complete the Fulton Success Strategies canvas-based course (self-enroll in the Canvas class) and then schedule an appointment with their academic advisor to discuss success strategies and develop a plan to return to academic good standing.

Note: The complete policies for the Fulton Schools can be found in the ASU Academic Catalog. See the complete Fulton Schools policies

Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering continuing probation

A student in current probationary or continuing probation status at the university level is placed on college continuing probation status when specific academic expectations are not met. When a continuing probation review is triggered, the final decision and any conditions of continuing probation are determined at the college level.

Automatic continuing probation is triggered by any of the following:

  • a probationary student does not attain a semester GPA of 2.25 or higher and has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 at the end of the probation semester
  • a probationary or continuing probationary student obtains a semester GPA of 2.25 or higher and has a cumulative GPA less than 2.00

Advising and registration process for students with continued probation status: Before making an appointment with your advisor, thoughtfully complete the Continued Probation Success Plan, then schedule an appointment with your advisor to review the Success Plan and to discuss strategies and develop a plan to return to academic good standing.

To return to academic good standing in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, students with continuing probation status need to earn a minimum semester GPA of 2.25 and earn a minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 2.00 at the end of the probation semester. If enrolled in only one course, a grade of “C+” (2.33) or better and a minimum cumulative ASU GPA of 2.00 is required to obtain academic good standing.

Note: The complete policies for the Fulton Schools can be found in the ASU Academic Catalog. See the complete Fulton Schools policies

Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering ineligibility

Students who are on continuing probation and fail to meet the schools’ retention standards become ineligible to continue working toward a degree within the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.

Ineligibility occurs if the continuing probationary student does any of the following:

  • does not attain a semester GPA of 2.25 or greater and has a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 at the end of the probationary semester
  • has already been on probation for two consecutive semesters
  • fails to complete any courses appropriate for the degree during each semester

Ineligible students are subject to the following limitations:

  • Students who change colleges may not register for courses in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering unless the courses are required by their new majors.
  • Students who register for courses in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering may be withdrawn from these courses any time during the semester they are registered.

Ineligible students are encouraged to consider these options:

  • Students may be eligible to change their majors to other colleges if they are in university academic good standing and have acceptable cumulative GPAs; the acceptable GPA level depends on the number of hours of completed coursework. Students should contact their advisor to determine if this is an option for them.
  • Students may take nonengineering courses during summer sessions.
  • An ineligible student may apply for readmission to the college after one calendar year.
  • Students may request a status review by contacting the Office of Academic and Student Affairs.

Note: The complete policies for the Fulton Schools can be found in the ASU Academic Catalog. See the complete Fulton Schools policies.

Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering disqualification

Students who are on probation or continuing probation and fail to meet the schools’ retention standards become disqualified from Arizona State University.

Disqualification occurs if the probationary/continuing probationary student does not attain a semester GPA of 2.25 or higher and has a cumulative GPA less than a 2.00 at the end of the probation semester.

Disqualified students are subject to the following limitations:

  • A disqualified student is not allowed to register in a fall or spring semester at the university. If the student has already registered for a future fall or spring semester, the registration is canceled.
  • A disqualified student may not attend as a nondegree student.
  • If a disqualified student elects to attend another university or two-year college, any credits earned there will not affect the ASU cumulative GPA. A course repeated elsewhere will not result in a replacement of a grade earned at ASU.

Note: The complete policies for the Fulton Schools can be found in the ASU Academic Catalog. See the complete Fulton Schools policies


Dean’s list

If you complete 12 or more graded credit hours during a semester in residence at ASU with a GPA of 3.50 or higher, you are eligible for the Dean’s List.

Graduation with academic recognition

If you complete at least 56 hours of resident credit at ASU and achieve a qualifying GPA, you will graduate with academic recognition.

Recognitions based on cumulative grade point average (GPA)

  • 3.40-3.59 GPA = cum laude
  • 3.60-3.79 GPA = magna cum laude
  • 3.80-4.00 GPA = summa cum laude

Calculating your grade point average (GPA)

In order to graduate from ASU and the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, you must earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 on a 4.00 scale. Individual units may have additional GPA requirements for graduation.

Use the following values to calculate your grade point average:

  • A+ = 4.333
  • A = 4.000
  • A- = 3.667
  • B+ = 3.333
  • B = 3.000
  • B- = 2.667
  • C+ = 2.333
  • C = 2.000
  • D = 1.000
  • E = 0.000

NOTE: Grades of X, W and Y are not used to calculate honor points.

GPA calculator

Calculate your semester GPA, how your semester GPA will impact your cumulative GPA, and what GPA/credit hours are needed to raise your cumulative GPA to a certain level.

Go to the GPA calculator

Grades and grading policies

See the Fulton Schools grade appeal policies and procedures.

Visit the ASU Grades and grading policies page.

Policies regarding the effect of repeating courses
