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MORE program requirements
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Graduate Research with MORE
Program goals and deliverables
Students selected to participate in the program will be expected to do the following:
Meet these goals:
- Commit to working the entire funded semester on the research project.
- Conduct their research with a faculty member with appointment in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.
- Meet with the mentor during the first week of the semester to execute the research plan and work schedule (expect to work approximately five to 12 hours per week, depending on mentor’s expectations).
- Maintain good standing in the program by meeting regularly with the mentor, performing the research activities and attending workshops.
- Be a master’s degree student in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.
Complete these deliverables by their deadlines:
- Write a 100-word research abstract.
- Design a research poster.
- Submit funds request documents for research supplies to their mentor’s business office.
- Participate in the semiannual Fulton Forge Student Research Expo on the Tempe campus by creating and presenting a poster displaying the research achievements.
Failure to fulfill these requirements may result in loss of funding.