Undergraduate students
Resources and support information for undergraduate students
Just for you
The resources on this page have been collected just for Fulton Schools undergraduate students.
Look for quick connections to
- Undergraduate Fulton scholarships
- Advising
- Undergraduate research opportunities
- Housing communities
- Connect with your Peer Mentors
- Student Organizations
- Resources for international, veteran, online and transfer students
- And more!
Advisors identify campus resources and services to help you be successful at ASU.
Get help navigating your degree program and fulfilling its requirements.
Earn a master’s degree in five years
Pursue a master’s degree in less time and with less financial commitment.
Designed for the driven Fulton Schools student, the Accelerated Master’s combines advanced undergraduate course work with graduate course work, enabling students to earn both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in five years or less.
Discover research opportunities
Conducting undergraduate research gives you hands-on experience solving real-world problems, and prepares you for your life after college.
Research tackled by undergraduates in the Fulton Schools is focused on solving global, local or industry needs.
We have many undergraduate research opportunities. Find your perfect fit!
Housing information
Residential and commuter life at ASU
Whether you live on or off campus, connecting with others is key to a enjoyable college experience.
Visit our residential and commuter life resources page and discover ASU’s resources for getting help with on or off campus challenges.
Connect with other students for support
Peer Mentors are here for you
Peer Mentors give you guidance and connect you to resources as you go about your Fulton journey as an undergraduate.
There is a Peer Mentor for you, whether you live in the dorms or off campus.
Talk to a current student with Fulton Ambassadors
Fulton Ambassadors (FA) promote the Fulton Schools to prospective students and families, but they can also answer questions specifically about your major.
Join a student organization
Find the right student club for you, or start your own!
Being connected with a student organization helps you build lasting friendships, discover your passions, develop invaluable career skills, become a leader, take part in community service, gain industry connections, and have a lot of fun.
There are dozens of Fulton student clubs and teams ranging from honors and professional associations to groups creating underwater robots, concrete canoes, and launching rockets.
Study abroad
Global learning experiences provide opportunities for you to develop intercultural competencies and understand professional practices used outside the United States.
You can become competitive in a global job market and learn to work effectively with people who may define problems in different ways.
Find resources for your specific student groups
International Students
International students are vital contributors to the Fulton Schools learning environment. To help you get off to a good start, we’ve gathered some information just for you.
Online Students
We’ve gather the most popular online resources on one page for your convenience.
Military and veteran students
Visit our Military and veteran students page to connect to our new student process and the ASU Pat Tillman Veterans Center.
Transfer students
Transferring to a university after attending another university can be challenging. ASU makes the transition smooth with their resources for transfer students.
The Fulton Schools of Engineering Tutoring Centers offer free, drop-in tutoring, workshops, and review sessions to undergraduate students at multiple locations on campus as well as online.
Become an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
The Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UGTA) and ASU 101 Section Leader (SL) programs select successful undergraduate students to serve as teaching assistants in a variety of classes offered by the Fulton Schools.