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Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 events

Devils Invent: Elevating the Aerospace Workforce
November 15–17, 2024
This was our final event of Fall 2024. Teams in this event were challenged to drive innovation in the aerospace industry through Automation, Training, and Workforce Development. They were tasked with designing, developing, and implementing cutting-edge solutions in three key areas: Robotics and Automation in Aerospace Operations, Advanced Training and Simulation Technologies, and AI-Driven Recruitment and Workforce Management.
Event winners:
1st. Extended Warranty (Dario D’Addamio, Dakota Edwards, Ronald McInnes, Gavin Russo)
2nd. Bee Innovative (Robert Kuehler, Bao Hoang Van, Sebastian Abundis, Tristan Hammond, Thomas Nicholas, Jaideep Varidireddy)
T-3rd. T.E.A.L. (Anneli Sorensen, Annette Timmes, Emma Mast, Tyler Santos)
T-3rd. MoneyWell (Deepit Arora, Navya Gangrade, Virrajith Mallavarapu, Kushagra Dashora, Ethan Rudy)
Fall 2023 – Spring 2024 events

Devils Invent: Autonomy In Aerospace
April 19–21, 2024
This was our final event of Spring 2024. Teams for this event were tasked to innovate in areas that propel aerospace forward: Autonomous Vehicle Control, Navigation, and Safety. They were asked to Design, Develop, and Manufacture solutions for the same.
Event winners:
- Extended Warranty (Dario D’Addamio, Boris Gershkovich, Ronald McInnes, Gavin Russo)
- MoneyWell (Virrajith Mallavarapu, Deepit Arora, Dakota Edwards, Navya Gangrade, Ethan Rudy)
- Caffeine Compilers (Darshan Vipresh Sheth, Deep Rodge, Jayati Goyal, Manikanta Kattikala)
“Resiliency Award” – AeroDevils (Bronson Bach, Ansh Tiwari)
“Innovation Technology” – Avisol (Neeharika Mandadapu, Abhinav Ranish, Sri Ujjwal Reddy Beereddy, Siddharth Sanjay, Bharath Gowda)

Devils Invent: Unexploded Ordnance @ Polytechnic
March 15–17, 2024
This was our second event of Spring 2024. Teams for this event were tasked to develop new and innovative solutions for handling and disarming lethal explosives, while honing your problem-solving skills.
Event winners:
- Zone Rouge (Tran Khoi Nguyen Nguyen, Kalyanam Dewri, Pranav Sainath Shinde, Joshua Ravelo, Gabriela De Los Reyes Castillo)
- Jaasus Solutions (Anand Kanaiyalal Raval, Shraddha Surendra Kumbharkar, Michal Palacz, Manimozhi Sekar, Bryce Taft)
- MineSweepers (Navya Gangrade, Virrajith Mallavarapu, Deepit Arora, Dakota Edwards)
“Coolest Prototype” – Dashers (Keval Rajesh Shah, Dhravya Shah, Saurabh Bhausaheb Zinjad, Rohan Mahesh Awhad, Ananya Yadav, Saee Sarang Pangarkar)
“Most Engaged Team” – Saperi (Aibiike Kubanych Kyzy, Vladimir Pak, Madi Mykhayev, Imangali Duisebayev, Andrey Podoprigora, Kirill Chernov)

Devils Invent: DASSH-Cascading Events
February 23–25, 2024
This was our first event of Spring 2024. Teams for this event were tasked with tackling challenges inspired by cascading events, unleashing creativity to address the dynamic and interconnected nature of problems in today’s fast-paced environment. This was a national event that included other universities in a virtual setting.
Problem Statement 1 Winners:
- Neutrinos (Swapnil Kannojia, Venkata Satya Chakri Yagnamurthy, Preksha Nagesh)
- One Second Until Midnight (Sameer Reza, Yuki Ogawa, Joshua Nguyen)
- Stevens Stargazers
Problem Statement 2 Winners:
- Unstructured Infrastructure (Anastasia Ivanova, Dakota Edwards, Virrajith Mallavarapu, Gavin Russo)
- Huskies
- Moder’s Sentinels
Problem Statement 3 Winners:
- Caffeine Compilers (Darshan Vipresh Sheth, Deep Rodge, Ayushi Rajshekhar)
- Team NKPS (Sameer Bhagavatula, Pranav Nadimpalli, Nikhil Menghani, Kasyap Rachuri)
- ATASA (Anirudh Manjesh, Adithi Muruganandam, Sahana Sundaram, Angel Le, Tamara Grujicic)

Devils Invent: HabitHack @ Polytechnic
November 3–5, 2023
This was our final event of Fall 2023. Teams for this event were tasked with focusing on the self-care habits of college students with the ways we can avoid burnout at the Poly campus. Students were tasked with forming innovative solutions while honing their problem-solving skills.
Event winners:
- Unstructured Infrastructure (Anastasia Ivanova, Adrienne Dalton, Matthew Mulderink, Ananya Sharma)
- Talk it Out (Sara Bohart, Sameer Reza, Abdullah Madi)
- Schrodinger’s To Do List (Roshan Patel, Deepit Arora, Virrajith Mallavarapu)

Devils Invent: Opportunity Hack
October 7–8, 2023
This was our second event of Fall 2023. Teams for this event were tasked with using software development skills to help non-profit programs to build things that change our community for the better. Some non-profits lack the technical skills used to reduce time spent on overhead, these student’s used code to allows them to scale their reach.
Event winners:
- Syntax Error (Loveneet Pal Singh, Noel Ngu)
- Caffeine Compilers (Deep Rodge, Jayati Goyal, Darshan Sheth)
- NPO Hack (Karisma Garduno, Annabelle Tran, Natalie Kujalowicz, Mansi Shankar Bhanushali)

Devils Invent: Augment Our Reality
September 15–17, 2023
This was our first event of Fall 2023. Teams for this event were tasked with using augmented reality (AR) assets to market Fulton programs in a unique manner on social media.
Event winners:
- Space Crafters (Jakob Lopez, Tran Khoi Nguyen Nguyen, Jesus Aguilar, Emma Mickelson)
- Malindo (Manas Srinivas Gowda, Kalyanam Priyam Dewri, Camelia Ariana Binti Ahmad Nasri, Adam Ikhsan Nugroho, Ananda Fawwazul Firdaus)
- AR You Ready (Sri Ujjwal Reddy, Daniel Yi-Chian Liao, Sahajpreet Singh Khasria, Krishna Balaji, Ansh Hemang Dani)
Fall 2022 – Spring 2023 Events

Devils Invent + DASSH: Protecting America’s Public Access Areas
February 24–26, 2023
In this event coordinated with DASSH (Designing Actionable Solutions for a Secure Homeland), students from universities around the United States were tasked with identifying solutions to protect America’s public access areas. Students focused their efforts on solving one of these three problem statements: 1) How do we guide crowds to good decisions during an attack? 2) How do we enable effective and timely communication among stakeholders and responders to allow for oversight and response to an attack? 3) How can we inform and enable civilians to prepare for a drone attack?
Problem statement 1 winners:
- AzTechs (SDSU)
- 5 Gals (ASU-Poly) and Safeside (ASU)
Problem statement 2 winners:
- Malindo (ASU)
- Security Squadron (ASU)
- UDC Unicorns (UDC)
Problem statement 3 winners:
- The Untouchables (UDC)
- Shelter in the Storm (NU)
- The Broncos (FSU)

Devils Invent: Aerospace Sustainability
November 18–20, 2022
In this event, students were tasked with identifying solutions to make the aerospace industry more sustainable. Honeywell was a proud sponsor for this event as they are dedicated to driving the transformation to a sustainable future and being carbon-neutral by 2035.
Event winners:
- H Doulmus (Heather Palfreyman , Udayketan Mohanty, Deandre San Agustin, Matisse De Roo, Luc Teachout, Sam Krochman, Oscar Kozieja)
- Houston (Sydney Lenski, Adithi Muruganandam, Anirudh Manjesh, Sadie Cullings)
- Steminists (Ocean Ingram, Addison Sanora, Anastasia Ivanova, Noemi Santan Gonzalez, Sharmila Nimbkar, Yibo Chen)

Devils Invent: Back In Person
October 14–16, 2022
This was our first event since 2020 without a mask requirement. As the rest of the country is beginning to return to pre-COVID-19 behaviors, we’re seeing that this transition is not smooth for everyone. Teams for this event were tasked with creating solutions to improve the life and work transitions people are experiencing as we move out of the pandemic.
Event winners:
- Sungineers (Oceane Ingram, Shikhar Narwar)
- PNARDS (Anmol Rao, Deep Goyal, Nishant Dhongadi, Ryan Woo, Pranav Artikatia, Sahil Sinha)
- EST 1410 (Raghul Manogeran, Kalyanam Dewari, Ipsit Sahoo)
Fall 2021 – Spring 2022 Events

Devils Invent: Countering Emerging Threats to Critical Infrastructure
February 25–27, 2022
Our first event of the spring semester, Devils Invent: Countering Emerging Threats to Critical Infrastructure!

Devils Invent: Land, Air, and Sea
November 19–21, 2021
Our second event of the fall semester, “Devils Invent: Land, Air, and Sea”, form solutions related to transportation and shipping problems arising from covid-19.
Event winners:
- Devin DeCosmo, Sagar Sadak, Eric Conrath, Anthony Bonfiglio, David Hobgood
- Ethan Rich, Emma Michelsen, David Ellis, Shivyansh Gupta, Adam Colyar, Carlos Moran-Esparza
- Nihar Masurkar, Andrew Deros, Rishik Kolli, Binh Nguyen, Alexander Hollar

Devils Invent: Sustainable Health Solutions
October 22–24, 2021
Collaborative event with the College of Health Solutions and Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation. Students created solutions to problems surrounding consumer food waste, its impact on climate change, and how individuals can waste less food.
Event winners:
- FORWAa (Andrew Deros, Will Noll, Oskar Kozieja, Rishik Kolli, Fatima Lopez, Aslit Castro)
- Healthy DAAY (Amber Allen, Yana Alexander, Avis Davis, Danielle Swets)
- Smart Comp (Abdullah Madi, Vishal Venkatesh, Abdullah Alrashidi, Natalie Shinbaum, Paulette Fernanda, Kira Binstock)
Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 Events

Devils Invent: Hardening of Soft Targets
March 26–28, 2021, virtually
Our first event of the spring semester, Devils Invent: Hardening of Soft Targets! Students from Arizona State University and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) were challenged by the Department of Homeland Security and the Phoenix Police Department to develop innovative infrastructure defense systems to prevent vehicle ramming or cyber security attacks!
Event winners:
- Maya Muir, Elisa Magtoto, Zain Sidhwa, Mohan Parekh, and Mitchell Laukonen
- Janelle Domantay, Yuria Mann, and Dylan Obata
- Curtiss Brouthers, Abraham Castaneda, Zeinab Mohammed, and Niranjana Venkatesan and
Andrew Deros, Nihar Masurkar, William Noll, Allexander Hollar, and Ben Weber

Devils Invent: ASU/Devex Global Hackathon
November 13–15, 2020, virtually
Our third event of the fall semester, Devils Invent: ASU/Devex Global Hackathon! Students for this event were tasked with creating solutions to 5 real-world development challenges aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)! Those who participated at ASU competed for a spot to go up against students from around the world and created solutions to 3 of the 5 areas related to: business transforming development, data revolution, and innovation at scale!
Event winners:
- Austin Brown and Hunter Silvey
- Elijah Norris and Emily Hagood
- Richmond Kusi

Devils Invent: Drone Defense
October 23–25, 2020, virtually
Our second event of the fall semester, “DRONE DEFENSE“! Sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security and Boeing! Collaborate with your group to develop a product or counter measure to prevent or minimize a drone threat.
Event winners:
- Team KCAan (Nihar Masurkar, Andrew Deros, Alexander Hollar, Connor Durkee, and Kyle Muncie)
- Honey Badgers (Benjamin Berrey, Christian Stoddard, Andrew Hredzak, Hector Nunez, and Madhav Seth)
- DevilSec (Ankur Chowdhary, Matt Keeley, and Matthew Merrill)

Devils Invent: Ignite Sparky
October 2–4, 2020, virtually
The Ignite Sparky Design Challenge aims to “level-up” Sparky, the most loved and feared mascot in the Pac-12, if not the entire NCAA, by developing the most awe-inspiring and innovative mascot powers imaginable. During social-distancing, Sparky wants to hunker down and essentially become a technologically-enhanced super hero in time for the Fall 2021 school sports season. He also wants to leverage ASU’s #1 in Innovation status to become the most innovative college mascot in the world. To do so, Sparky knows he must assemble a multi-disciplinary team of the most creative, technologically-adept, charismatic, and purpose-driven ASU students to help him achieve his goals. Are you in?
Event winners:
- Andrew Deros, Alexander Hollar, Nihar Masurkar, Benjamin Weber, and Jordan Eiselt
- Taylor Boatwright
- Hana Randall, Magesh Sridhar, and Morgan Cividanes