Hacker Devils (HKD)
Hacker Devils is a Fulton club that is interested in promoting excellence in programming through the preparation required to ace students’ coding interviews for jobs and internships. We hold weekly collaborative meetings where ASU students practice all the stages of coding, including formulation, execution, and debugging of common interview questions. We invite all students motivated to level up their skills to attend our meetings for hands-on practice and offer free pizza as an additional incentive. We also host 2 Code-a-Thons each semester which are competitive programming competitions where students are challenged with timed logical programming problems of increasing difficulty and can earn rewards for completing challenges and continuing to expand their programming skills.
Prathyush Vasa | vprathyu@asu.edu
Nivedh Mudiam | nmudiam@asu.edu
Stefan Stealey-Euchner | sstealey@asu.edu
Steven Osburn | sdosburn@asu.edu