A photo of planet Earth

Global Engineering Education

Study abroad and other global experiences to elevate your education

Fulton Schools Global

Gain a global perspective

Global learning experiences provide opportunities for you to develop intercultural competencies and understand professional practices used outside the United States.

You can become competitive in a global job market and learn to work effectively with people who may define problems in different ways.

Study abroad and gain so much more than a trip abroad!

Kyle Squires portrait

International study broadens students’ perspectives of engineering, leading us to globally aware and socially responsible solutions that create value and meaningful impact around the world.

Kyle SquiresDean, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

Highlighted programs


Microelectronics in Taiwan

This course reviews the history of integrated circuit development starting with the invention of the transistor in 1947 through the dramatic expansion of the industry in Silicon Valley to the rise of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and China.


TEDI-London Summer Experience (Partnership)

TEDI-London delivers a different kind of engineering education that takes a project-based, interdisciplinary global design approach. Participants in the summer program will contribute to projects that respond to real-life industry challenges (projects are co-designed and delivered with employers).


Paris and Provence – Photography and Architecture

Join Professor Penny Ann Dolin and Professor Chad Westover on this unique photographic trip to Paris. Professor Dolin is an accomplished commercial photographer with a special focus on architecture. Professor Westover is an accomplished photographer as well, and both professors teach in the Graphic Information Technology program.


Visualization and Simulation of Technology in Tokyo, Japan

Japan is one of the leading countries in terms of technologies and engineering. This program provides students opportunities to learn about the industry and technological development of Japan and observe how their technologies are applied into real-world applications in Japanese society.


Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Summer in Dublin

Spend a summer in Ireland while exploring fundamental computer science and programming with creative entrepreneurship. Learn from ASU professors teaching computer science logic, computer programming, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation.

Osaka, Japan

Visualization and Simulation in Osaka, Japan

This course is designed to help students develop global awareness and competencies that they are initiating their engineering/science program. Japan is one of the leading countries in terms of technologies and engineering.


EPICS in Spain

  • Saturday, March 8, 2025–Sunday, March 16, 2025
  • Hands-on, experiential human-centered design project experience and implementation
  • Customer discovery, rapid prototyping, and field testing
  • Cultural immersion exploration in Barcelona, Spain

EPICS in Vietnam

  • Monday, Dec. 30, 2024–Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025
  • Learn and practice human-centered design
  • Cultural and immersion experiences in Da Nang, Vietnam
  • Ideal for engineering, design, business, sustainability, future of innovation, and other interested majors

EPICS in Kenya

  • Thursday, May 15, 2025–Saturday, May 24, 2025
  • Hands-on, experiential human-centered design project experience and implementation
  • Customer discovery, rapid prototyping, and filed testing
  • Cultural immersion exploration in Kenya

Exchange programs

Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Hong Kong is a dynamic region containing more than six million people spread out over a 400-mile area.

Today, the major urban areas are Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. Visitors are attracted by the areas vibrant energy and diversity. Hong Kong boasts outstanding cuisine, a hopping nightlife, unique cultural attractions, plus duty-free shopping.

Summer Engineering Research Internship for U.S. Students (SERIUS) at National University of Singapore

Singapore is one of the most diverse locations in the world, housing populations from around the world that coexist together.

Singapore is made up of not just one island but a main island with 63 surrounding islets. The main island has a total land area of 682 square km. However, its compact size belies its economic growth. In just 150 years, Singapore has grown into a thriving center of commerce and industry. Its former role as an entrepot has diminished, as the nation has increased its manufacturing base.


Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Global Education Scholarships

$500-$1,000 awards are available to eligible Fulton students participating in an ASU Global Education program who apply.  Students must be enrolled and participating in an undergraduate Fulton Schools of Engineering undergraduate academic plan and meet eligibility requirements.  Application deadline (subject to change) is September 25th for Spring Semester, Calendar Year, and GIE Winter Break.  See application for eligibility requirements.

Fulton Difference Experiential Learning Grant

The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Student Engagement office offers competitive funding to current undergraduate Fulton students to support experiential learning opportunities that enhance their engineering education and bring recognition to the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.

Grand Challenge Scholars Program Experiential Learning Grant

Fulton Engineering Grand Challenge Scholars Program Students can apply for the GCSP Experiential Learning Grant to help support airfare costs for approved ASU study abroad programs to help meet the global component of the program. Students must be confirmed in the study abroad program to apply. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

The Lorraine W. Frank Office of National Scholarships Advisement (ONSA)

ONSA helps Arizona State University students and alumni compete for prestigious national and international scholarships and fellowships that fund research, international study, professional development, or post-baccalaureate study. Over the past two decades, hundreds of ASU students have been awarded millions of dollars in external funding, placing ASU among the top schools in the United States for success in national scholarship competitions.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

The U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic competitiveness. The Gilman Scholarship Program is open to U.S. citizen undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study and intern abroad programs worldwide.