International Student Resources
International student? This is your hub for Fulton Schools resources.
International students are vital contributors to the Fulton Schools learning environment. To help you get off to a good start, we’ve gathered some information for you.
Scholarships and financial aid
As an international student your primary financial aid options include scholarships and private education loans to supplement your own personal funds for the cost of your education.
The Fulton Schools and ASU have available scholarships, and many can be awarded to international students. To learn more, visit the Fulton Schools Scholarships website and the ASU Scholarships website.
Financial aid options
To be considered for private education loans through a bank or other lender, individuals must apply for the loan with a creditworthy co-applicant (co-signer) who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. An international student who is able to apply with a U.S. co-applicant can request up to approximately $40,000 through an alternative education loan.
Learn more about ASU financial aid for international students.
CPT/OPT internships
As an international student with an F-1 Visa, it is very important to know about Curricular Practical Training (CPT) and Optional Practical Training (OPT).
Through CPT and OPT internships, you may be authorized for off-campus work experiences in your chosen field.
ASU International Students and Scholars Center (ISSC)
The ISSC is the primary support organization for all international students at ASU.
At the ISSC, you can get help with immigration information, employment resources, and lots of opportunities to connect with fellow ASU students.
Need assistance?
Hello, international students!
I am excited that you have chosen to pursue your degree at the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at ASU. I am here to help you navigate resources, build connections, and get support in the Fulton Schools and around campus.
If you have any questions, concerns, or need any support, please contact me.