An additive manufacturing machine is shown in process of "printing" a grey object which looks a little like a model of a futuristic building
Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

3D Print and Laser Cutter Lab

3D printing and laser cutting
for Fulton Schools students

All Fulton Schools students have access to 3D printers and laser cutters for course work as well as personal projects. These resources are provided by the 3D Print Lab.

Visit the 3D Printing and Laser Cutting webpages to find specific information about availability and reservation.

Hours of operation

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Location and contacts

ASU interactive map showing the location of the 3D Print and Laser Cutter lab.

3D Print and Laser Cutter Lab

ASU – Tempe Campus
Engineering Center F-Wing, ECF 103
951 S. Palm Walk

The Print Lab is located across the breezeway from the Engineering Tutor Center in the Engineering Center F-Wing.

Contact us

For additional information on hours, reservations and services offered email us at [email protected] or dial (480) 727-2947. (Please note that we have been experiencing issues with our phone not receiving calls)