Rossum Rumblers (RRR)
Interested in building? Designing? Soldering? 3D printing? Automating? Competing, or just plain having fun? How about Autonomous robots, like self-driving cars? Do you want to do or learn how to do Robotic Manipulator Design? AI Algorithm design? Electronics circuitry? Experimenting with manufacturing, like CNC milling?
The Rossum Rumblers Robotics Club is now one of the premier engineering clubs on the Polytechnic campus. Regardless of your major – we have a place for you (not to mention learning some cool things and meeting awesome people from the industry.) We do everything from competing in BattleBots, robotics competitions, model rocketry, and autonomous vehicles. Our club gets to restore, build, use CNC machines, and 3D printers to design and create innovative projects fulfilling our mission.
Current Projects
- Competing in the VEX Robotics Competition for university students (VEX U)
- Restoring a military-grade bomb disposal robot
- Designing and building a fully-autonomous robot
Events and Activities
- VEX Robotics Competition Tournament for middle and high school teams
- Community outreach events to promote engineering and STEM learning
- Hands-on training workshops
Many of our students go on to form successful businesses and Rossum Rumblers is the perfect place to find a team to help make your dreams come true. We are student-led, student-powered, and student-driven. We encourage students from all backgrounds to feel welcome and participate in our activities.
The aim of the Rossum Rumblers is to grow our club in knowledge and in membership. This will allow us the opportunity to build a community that uses project-based learning to give our members the tools, contacts, support, and encouragement they need to not only succeed but thrive in academia and in the industry through innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.
Kenneth Hodson | [email protected]
Vice president
Ryan Clark | [email protected]
Andrew Ayerh | [email protected]
Outreach Coordinator
Trevor Robertson | [email protected]
Baron Guido | [email protected]
Raj Kodithyala | [email protected]
Jerry Gintz | [email protected]